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פרופ' מיכאל קלינגר

בנין 202, חדר 213


    • Theoretical studies of atomic dynamics and electron properties of amorphous materials.

    • Universal soft modes in atomic dynamics and anomalous dynamical and thermal properties of glasses.

    • Self-trapped electron pairs (negative-U centres) and anomalous electron properties of semiconducting glasses.


    קורות חיים
    • Principal Scientist, A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg; November 1993: Overseas Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK;1995 : Professor, Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
    • Membership and participation in scientific committees of international conferences on dynamics, thermodynamics and structure of glasses: 1991, Bavaria, FRG, and Sendai, Japan; 1994, Prague, Czech Rep.; 1997, Sardinia, Italy; 2000, Wales, UK; 2004, NY, USA; 2006, Prague, Czech Rep. Research Grant, Academy of Sciences, Israel, 1997 – 1998. Visiting professor: FRG, University of Heidelberg, 1987, 1988, 1990; Mainz, FRG, 1992, 1993; Giessen, 1997, 1999. Italy: University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 1989; Denmark, University of Roskilde, 1989; Switzerland, University of Basel, 1990; Belgium, University of Leuven, 1990, 1992; UK, University of Cambridge, 1992.

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 07/10/2013