Strong photon-photon interactions: from conditional phase to quantum vortices

QUEST Center event
Ofer Firstenberg (Weizmann)
01/12/2024 - 12:00 - 11:00Add to Calendar 2024-12-01 11:00:00 2024-12-01 12:00:00 Strong photon-photon interactions: from conditional phase to quantum vortices Imagine dragging a plate across the surface of a tranquil water pool. Quite excitingly, you would form a pair of swirling vortex and antivortex, propagating steadily across the surface. In optics, vortices manifest as phase twists of the electromagnetic field. While traditionally optical vortices arise from interactions between light and matter, I will present a new extreme regime of optical nonlinearity where quantum vortices – phase dislocations in the few-photon wavefunction – form due to effective, strong interactions between the photons themselves. These interactions are realized in a ‘quantum nonlinear optical medium’ based on ultracold Rydberg atoms. Analogous to the water pushed by the plate, the excess phase accumulating due to the photon-photon interaction gives rise to pairs of quantum vortices, vortex lines, and rings, within the photonic wavefunction. The ‘conditional’ phase flip localized between these vortices can be used for deterministic quantum logic operations. Resnick (209) room 016 המחלקה לפיזיקה Asia/Jerusalem public
Resnick (209) room 016

Imagine dragging a plate across the surface of a tranquil water pool. Quite excitingly, you would form a pair of swirling vortex and antivortex, propagating steadily across the surface. In optics, vortices manifest as phase twists of the electromagnetic field. While traditionally optical vortices arise from interactions between light and matter, I will present a new extreme regime of optical nonlinearity where quantum vortices – phase dislocations in the few-photon wavefunction – form due to effective, strong interactions between the photons themselves. These interactions are realized in a ‘quantum nonlinear optical medium’ based on ultracold Rydberg atoms. Analogous to the water pushed by the plate, the excess phase accumulating due to the photon-photon interaction gives rise to pairs of quantum vortices, vortex lines, and rings, within the photonic wavefunction. The ‘conditional’ phase flip localized between these vortices can be used for deterministic quantum logic operations.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 20/11/2024