Flocking in the Active Ising Model

QUEST Center event
Omer Granek
29/03/2023 - 11:30 - 10:30Add to Calendar 2023-03-29 10:30:10 2023-03-29 11:30:11 Flocking in the Active Ising Model The Mermin-Wagner theorem states that continuous symmetries cannot be spontaneously broken at a finite temperature in dimensions two or less in equilibrium systems with short-range interactions. Far from equilibrium, this restriction need not hold, as revealed by the spontaneous flocking of self-propelled particles with polar alignment in two dimensions as in, e.g. the Vicsek model. Most flock phenomenology can be captured by a simpler, discrete-symmetry model known as the Active Ising Model — an active analogue to the equilibrium Ising Model. In this talk, I will present numerical and analytical results which show that the dynamics of the active Ising flock are far richer than previously thought. Rm 303 המחלקה לפיזיקה physics.dept@mail.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
Rm 303

The Mermin-Wagner theorem states that continuous symmetries cannot be spontaneously broken at a finite temperature in dimensions two or less in equilibrium systems with short-range interactions. Far from equilibrium, this restriction need not hold, as revealed by the spontaneous flocking of self-propelled particles with polar alignment in two dimensions as in, e.g. the Vicsek model. Most flock phenomenology can be captured by a simpler, discrete-symmetry model known as the Active Ising Model — an active analogue to the equilibrium Ising Model. In this talk, I will present numerical and analytical results which show that the dynamics of the active Ising flock are far richer than previously thought.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 05/03/2023