Many-body localization and its signatures in quantum quenches

Rajeev Singh
26/11/2015 - 15:30 - 14:30Add to Calendar 2015-11-26 14:30:00 2015-11-26 15:30:00 Many-body localization and its signatures in quantum quenches The presence of disorder in a non-interacting system can localize all the energy eigenstates, a phenomena dubbed Anderson localization. Many-body localization is an extension of this phenomena to include interactions. Effects of interactions show up in the logarithmic growth of entanglement after a global quench. We perform a systematic study of the evolution and saturation of entanglement and show that it can be used to detect the localization transition. We consider the bipartite fluctuation which also captures the transition and is promising as an experimental probe. We compare these results to that of a non-interacting system and note important differences between the two. Resnick Building 209, room 210 המחלקה לפיזיקה Asia/Jerusalem public
Resnick Building 209, room 210

The presence of disorder in a non-interacting system can
localize all the energy eigenstates, a phenomena dubbed Anderson
localization. Many-body localization is an extension of this phenomena
to include interactions. Effects of interactions show up in the
logarithmic growth of entanglement after a global quench. We perform a
systematic study of the evolution and saturation of entanglement and
show that it can be used to detect the localization transition. We
consider the bipartite fluctuation which also captures the transition
and is promising as an experimental probe. We compare these results to
that of a non-interacting system and note important differences
between the two.

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/11/2015