Quantum simulators: from the Fermi Hubbard model to quantum assisted NMR inference (IPC)
Quantum simulators: from the Fermi Hubbard model to quantum assisted NMR inference
I will review recent progress of the optical lattice emulators of the Fermi Hubbard model. The new feature of these experiments is availability of snapshots of many-body states with single particle resolution. I will discuss new insight from these experiments on the properties of magnetic polarons in antiferromagnetic Mott insulators. I will also discuss the idea of using quantum simulators to perform inference of NMR spectra for biological molecules. Practical aspects of realizing this hybrid quantum-classical algorithm on currently available experimental platforms will be reviewed.
Meeting ID: 926 1403 5030
Password: 508567
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 22/11/2021