Postdoctoral fellowship

Dear Colleague,

The Department of Physics at Bar Ilan University invites applications for a

Postdoctoral fellowship in theoretical condensed matter physics.

The successful candidate is expected to perform autonomous research, in collaboration with
the members of the condensed matter group: Prof. Richard Berkovits, Prof. Emanuele Dalla Torre,
Prof. Dmitri Gutman, Dr. Jonathan Ruhman and Prof. Efrat Shimshoni.

Possible topics of research are in the field of strongly correlated quantum matter: graphene and
other 2D materials (including twisted bilayers), topological phases of matter, dynamics of
quantum entanglement, quantum simulation, unconventional superconductivity and transport in
strongly coupled liquids. We kindly ask you to forward this message to relevant

The Condensed Matter Theory group at Bar Ilan University

Applications should be sent to and consist of:
     - A cover letter;
     - A one-page research statement (optional);
     - A complete CV, including a list of publications;
     - Two referral letters.
Fellowship duration: starts fall 2021 for two years with a possible extension to a third year.
Short-listed candidates will be invited for a videoconference interview.

Submission deadline: December 31, 2020 .