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פרופ' שמעון וייס


    General area: Biophysics, Biophysical Chemistry, Nano-Spectroscopy, Bio-Nano-Technology, Molecular Imaging.

    Topics: Single molecule detection and spectroscopy, application of single molecule detection to biology, dynamic structural/molecular biology, bacterial and eukaryotic transcription, protein folding, protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions, single molecule enzymology, novel Bio-Nano-Technology probes, semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum dots, semiconductor nanocrystals voltage sensors,  fluorescence microscopy/spectroscopy, superresolution microscopy, physics/chemistry of mesoscopic systems.

    קורות חיים

    2009- to date                        The Dean Willard Chair in Chemistry and Biochemistry

    2011-to date                         Distinguished Professor

    2001-to date                         Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physiology , UCLA

    1998-to 2001                       Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Physical Biosciences Division.

    1990-to 2001                       Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Materials Sciences Division.

    1989-1990                            Post-doctoral position at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Conducted research on ultrafast dynamics of semiconductors multiple quantum-well structures.

                                                    Advisor: Dr. Daniel Chemla

    1989                                       D.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

                                                    Advisor: Dr. Baruch Fischer

    1985-1989                            Graduate student in the Electrical Engineering Department, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Conducted research on dynamics of photorefractive oscillators.

    1984                                       B.Sc. (Cum Laude) in Electrical Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.



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    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 27/04/2022