Quantum critical polar metals

QUEST Center event
Pavel Volkov
22/10/2020 - 20:00 - 19:00Add to Calendar 2020-10-22 19:00:00 2020-10-22 20:00:00 Quantum critical polar metals Recent years have seen a discovery of a number of polar metals, materials in which itinerant electrons coexist with an inversion-symmetry breaking order. In this talk I will discuss the properties of such systems when the polar ordering temperature is tuned to zero – i.e. at a polar quantum critical point. I will show that unlike other examples of quantum criticality, the soft modes of the polar order do not couple easily to electrons. I will consider the general mechanisms, by which the electrons can interact with the critical modes of the polar order and discuss the consequences of these interactions. In particular, I will demonstrate that exotic metallic phases, including non-Fermi liquid ones, can be realized in multiband systems in the vicinity of band crossings, such as nodal lines or Weyl points. Finally, I will discuss the role of nonlinear interactions in quantum critical polar metals and connect these to the yet unresolved mystery of superconductivity in doped SrTiO3.    zoom link zoom - https://zoom.us/j/99663263719 Department of Physics physics.dept@mail.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
zoom - https://zoom.us/j/99663263719

Recent years have seen a discovery of a number of polar metals, materials in which itinerant electrons coexist with an inversion-symmetry breaking order. In this talk I will discuss the properties of such systems when the polar ordering temperature is tuned to zero – i.e. at a polar quantum critical point. I will show that unlike other examples of quantum criticality, the soft modes of the polar order do not couple easily to electrons. I will consider the general mechanisms, by which the electrons can interact with the critical modes of the polar order and discuss the consequences of these interactions. In particular, I will demonstrate that exotic metallic phases, including non-Fermi liquid ones, can be realized in multiband systems in the vicinity of band crossings, such as nodal lines or Weyl points. Finally, I will discuss the role of nonlinear interactions in quantum critical polar metals and connect these to the yet unresolved mystery of superconductivity in doped SrTiO3. 


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Last Updated Date : 14/10/2020