Universality of biochemical feedback and its application to immune cells

QUEST Center event
Amir Erez ( Princeton University)
25/10/2017 - 13:30Add to Calendar 2017-10-25 13:30:00 2017-10-25 13:30:00 Universality of biochemical feedback and its application to immune cells Positive feedback in biochemical networks can lead to a bifurcation in state space. Universality implies that if molecules are well mixed, this bifurcation should exhibit the critical scaling behavior of the Ising universality class in the mean-field limit. Making this statement quantitative requires the appropriate mapping between the biochemical parameters and the Ising parameters. Here we derive this mapping rigorously and uniquely for a broad class of stochastic birth-death models with feedback, and show that the expected static and dynamic critical exponents emerge. The generality of the mapping allows us to extract the order parameter, effective temperature, magnetic field, and heat capacity from T cell flow cytometry data without needing to know the underlying molecular details. We find that T cells obey critical scaling relations and exhibit critical slowing down, and that the heat capacity determines molecule number from fluorescence data. We demonstrate that critical scaling holds even as our system is driven out of its steady state, via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for driven critical systems. Our approach places a ubiquitous biological mechanism into a known class of physical systems and is immediately applicable to other biological data. Colloquium Room 301 Department of Physics physics.dept@mail.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
Colloquium Room 301

Positive feedback in biochemical networks can lead to a bifurcation in state space. Universality implies that if molecules are well mixed, this bifurcation should exhibit the critical scaling behavior of the Ising universality class in the mean-field limit. Making this statement quantitative requires the appropriate mapping between the biochemical parameters and the Ising parameters. Here we derive this mapping rigorously and uniquely for a broad class of stochastic birth-death models with feedback, and show that the expected static and dynamic critical exponents emerge. The generality of the mapping allows us to extract the order parameter, effective temperature, magnetic field, and heat capacity from T cell flow cytometry data without needing to know the underlying molecular details. We find that T cells obey critical scaling relations and exhibit critical slowing down, and that the heat capacity determines molecule number from fluorescence data. We demonstrate that critical scaling holds even as our system is driven out of its steady state, via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for driven critical systems. Our approach places a ubiquitous biological mechanism into a known class of physical systems and is immediately applicable to other biological data.

Last Updated Date : 18/10/2017