LIGO - The Amazing Story of Gravitational Waves and Quantum Optics

QUEST Center event
Avi Pe'er, BIU
09/11/2016 - 15:00 - 14:00Add to Calendar 2016-11-09 14:00:00 2016-11-09 15:00:00 LIGO - The Amazing Story of Gravitational Waves and Quantum Optics   The discovery of gravitational waves in LIGO (Light Interferometer Gravitational-waves Observatory) was ground-breaking. Suddenly, experimental astro-physics has not just eyes, but also ears to listen to events that shake the sky, yet occur in complete electromagnetic darkness, such as collisions of black-holes. I will overview the recent observation of a violent black-hole collision 1.3 billion light-years away, and provide an overview of this truly amazing device that relies on optical interferometry to detect miniscule ripples in space-time with relative sensitivity of 10-22 ! I will discuss the plans to enhance the LIGO sensitivity even further using quantum squeezed light. Nanotechnology, 9th floor seminar room Department of Physics Asia/Jerusalem public
Nanotechnology, 9th floor seminar room


The discovery of gravitational waves in LIGO (Light Interferometer Gravitational-waves Observatory) was ground-breaking. Suddenly, experimental astro-physics has not just eyes, but also ears to listen to events that shake the sky, yet occur in complete electromagnetic darkness, such as collisions of black-holes. I will overview the recent observation of a violent black-hole collision 1.3 billion light-years away, and provide an overview of this truly amazing device that relies on optical interferometry to detect miniscule ripples in space-time with relative sensitivity of 10-22 ! I will discuss the plans to enhance the LIGO sensitivity even further using quantum squeezed light.

Last Updated Date : 06/11/2016