Prof. Eli Sloutskin

Building 206, room A208
תחומי מחקר
    • Experimental studies of phase transitions in colloids.
    • Quantitative real-time 3D confocal microscopy, holographic optical tweezing, and light scattering techniques.
    • Crystal nucleation.
    • Non-crystalline solids: structural measurements to reveal the physics of glass formation.
    • Interfacial phenomena in colloidal and molecular systems.


    קורות חיים
    • Full Prof., Bar-Ilan University, 2022 - present
    • Assoc. Prof., Bar-Ilan University, 2016 - 2022
    • Senior Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University, 2009 - 2016
    • Postdoctoral research associate, Harvard University, 2007 - 2009
    • Ph.D., Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 2007 (with highest distinction)

               "Surface Ordering in van-der-Waals and Coulomb Liquids”

    • M.Sc., Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 2002 (Cum Laude)

               "Surface Ordering in Binary Mixtures”

    • B.Sc., Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 2000 (Cum Laude)



    Please see:

    Google Scholar or My web page


    84-182: Physics for chemists 2

    86-115: Mechanics

    86-826: Soft Matter Physics

    • Faceting phenomena and interfacially-driven transitions in emulsions
    • Non-crystalline solid packings (sediments) of colloidal spheres;
    • Phases and phases transitions in systems of non-spherical hard colloids (microscopy and holographic optical tweezing);
    • Microscopy of crystal nucleation in suspensions of hard sphere colloids;
    • Complex sedimenting fluids: from nanoparticles to colloids;
    • Langmuir, Gibbs and Langmuir-Gibbs films;
    • Surfaces and interfaces: molecular and atomic systems (surface x-ray scattering);
    • Surfaces and interfaces: colloids and emulsions (optical microscopy).

    Last Updated Date : 13/06/2024