Prof. Yehuda Schlesinger
Experimental: transport properties of high-Tc superconductors; low-temperature electronic properties of semimetal and semiconductor thin films; electric field effect thermoelectricity; pyroelectric and electrocaloric effects in junction barrier structures, pyroelectric applications.
- The percolative nature of the granular HTS superconductors. The effects of intrinsic and grain anisotropy. Weak magnetic field influence on the intergrain Josephson critical current.
- Investigation (theoretical and experimental) of electric-field-effect controlled electronic and galvanomagnetic properties in thin semi-metal and semiconductor films. General properties of such non-chemical doping.
- Study of electric-field-effect controlled thermoelectricity (EFE-TE). Feasibility study of EFE-TE based Peltier cooler at low temperatures. Theoretical calculations based on realistic model devices. Pyroelecric and electrocaloric effects in junction barrier structures.
Last Updated Date : 27/04/2022