From interaction-free measurements to counterfactual communication
QUEST Center event
Lev Vaidman (TAU)
01/07/2024 - 12:00 - 10:30Add to Calendar
2024-07-01 10:30:00
2024-07-01 12:00:00
From interaction-free measurements to counterfactual communication
A bomb explodes when anything interacts with it: Can it be found without exploding it? Can we find that the bomb is not present in a particular place without any probe being there? Which tasks can be achieved without particles in the transmission channel: transmission of a classical message, teleportation of a quantum state, establishing a secret key? I will review the claims that these tasks can be done and will argue that only some of them are true.
Physics (202) room 301
Department of Physics
Physics (202) room 301
A bomb explodes when anything interacts with it: Can it be found without exploding it? Can we find that the bomb is not present in a particular place without any probe being there? Which tasks can be achieved without particles in the transmission channel: transmission of a classical message, teleportation of a quantum state, establishing a secret key? I will review the claims that these tasks can be done and will argue that only some of them are true.
Last Updated Date : 21/06/2024