From interaction-free measurements to counterfactual communication

QUEST Center event
Lev Vaidman (TAU)
01/07/2024 - 12:00 - 10:30Add to Calendar 2024-07-01 10:30:00 2024-07-01 12:00:00 From interaction-free measurements to counterfactual communication A bomb explodes when anything interacts with it: Can it be found without exploding it? Can we find that the bomb is not present in a particular place without any probe being there? Which tasks can be achieved without particles in the transmission channel: transmission of a classical message, teleportation of a quantum state, establishing a secret key? I will review the claims that these tasks can be done and will argue that only some of them are true.  Physics (202) room 301 Department of Physics Asia/Jerusalem public
Physics (202) room 301

A bomb explodes when anything interacts with it: Can it be found without exploding it? Can we find that the bomb is not present in a particular place without any probe being there? Which tasks can be achieved without particles in the transmission channel: transmission of a classical message, teleportation of a quantum state, establishing a secret key? I will review the claims that these tasks can be done and will argue that only some of them are true. 

Last Updated Date : 21/06/2024