The hunt for Planet Nine

QUEST Center event
Volker Perdelwitz, Weizmann Institute of Science
07/06/2023 - 15:30 - 14:00Add to Calendar 2023-06-07 14:00:00 2023-06-07 15:30:00 The hunt for Planet Nine In early 2016, Batygin and Brown announced the likely presence of a ninth, large planet in the outer Solar System, based on the properties of the population of Trans-Neptunian Objects. Since then, multiple teams around the world have tried to detect the predicted planet, including myself. In my presentation, I will give a brief outline of the underlying theory, followed by a description of my approach and an update on the current status. Physics Building 202 Seminar Room 303 Department of Physics Asia/Jerusalem public
Physics Building 202 Seminar Room 303

In early 2016, Batygin and Brown announced the likely presence of a ninth, large planet in the outer Solar System, based on the properties of the population of Trans-Neptunian Objects. Since then, multiple teams around the world have tried to detect the predicted planet, including myself.

In my presentation, I will give a brief outline of the underlying theory, followed by a description of my approach and an update on the current status.

Last Updated Date : 30/05/2023