Prof. Eli Barkai
- Dynamics of cold atoms in optical lattices.
- Nano science: Blinking quantum dots.
- Statistical physics: Foundations of weak ergodicity breaking.
- Biophysics: dynamics of single molecules in live cells.
- Dynamical systems: Infinite invariant measures and weak chaos.
- Fractional kinetics. Fractals,
- Single molecule photon statistics.
Professor Barkai received his B.Sc, M.Sc, and Ph.D in Physics from Tel-Aviv university. During his Ph.D studies he developed a fractional kinetic framework describing anomalous transport in dynamical systems. In 1998, he joined the Chemistry department in Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his postdoctoral research. He there developed the theory of single molecule spectroscopy. He joined the faculty in Notre Dame Indiana in 2002. In 2004 he returned to Israel to join the Physics Department at Bar-Ilan University where he developed the theory of weak ergodicity breaking. In 2006 he won the Krill prize for excellence in scientific research selected by the Wolf Foundation, in 2009 he won the Bruno memorial award and in 2011 the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Research Prize.
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Last Updated Date : 18/04/2023