Kepler space mission and the advance of our understanding of multiple exo-planet systems

QUEST Center event
Tsevi Mazeh, Tel-Aviv University
28/06/2021 - 15:00 - 13:30Add to Calendar 2021-06-28 13:30:00 2021-06-28 15:00:00 Kepler space mission and the advance of our understanding of multiple exo-planet systems Zoom Link     Meeting ID: 445 992 8099 The Kepler space mission observed more than 150,000 stars continuously for more than four years, producing unprecedentedly precise light curves. The Kepler data enabled detecting thousands of stars with transit-like light curves, many of which are circled by more than one planet. The talk will review how Kepler has advanced our understanding of multiple exo-planet systems. This includes the systems’ architecture, obtained by evidence for dynamical interaction between the planets, and the discovery of circumbinary planets. Physics Auditorium, Buiding 202 Room 301 Department of Physics Asia/Jerusalem public
Physics Auditorium, Buiding 202 Room 301

Zoom Link     Meeting ID: 445 992 8099

The Kepler space mission observed more than 150,000 stars continuously for more than four years, producing unprecedentedly precise light curves.

The Kepler data enabled detecting thousands of stars with transit-like light curves, many of which are circled by more than one planet. The talk will review how Kepler has advanced our understanding of multiple exo-planet systems. This includes the systems’ architecture, obtained by evidence for dynamical interaction between the planets, and the discovery of circumbinary planets.

Last Updated Date : 05/12/2022