The Age of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

QUEST Center event
Ofek Brinholtz, Dept. of Physics, Bar Ilan University
19/10/2020 - 15:00 - 13:30Add to Calendar 2020-10-19 13:30:00 2020-10-19 15:00:00 The Age of Gravitational Wave Astronomy The lecture will take place via Zoom:  Meeting ID: 445 992 8099 Gravitational Waves were originally predicted in the 1910's by Einstein, and measured directly for the first time in 2015. In the 5 years since, they have become a household acquaintance and a cornerstone of astrophysical observations and discoveries. I will present their background, history, and how they have begun to shape current day astrophysics, as well as what is expected in the not-so-distant future.   Link to the recording of the lecture… ZOOM Department of Physics Asia/Jerusalem public

The lecture will take place via Zoom:  Meeting ID: 445 992 8099

Gravitational Waves were originally predicted in the 1910's by Einstein, and measured directly for the first time in 2015. In the 5 years since, they have become a household acquaintance and a cornerstone of astrophysical observations and discoveries. I will present their background, history, and how they have begun to shape current day astrophysics, as well as what is expected in the not-so-distant future.


Link to the recording of the lecture…

Last Updated Date : 19/10/2020