Physics and Brain Sciences Double Major


This programme is instructed in the Hebrew language. 

Interdisciplinary program, the first of its kind in Israel which started at Bar Ilan in 2013. The program combines the two sought-after subjects in brain science and physics and allows its graduates to join the most advanced research institutes in Israel and worldwide.

The programme is intended for candidates with exeptionally high entrance requirements and who are highly motivated to succeed. The studies are challenging and include courses from the Department of Physics and the Brain Science Programme. The number of places is limited, and the candidates undergo rigorous screening.

The aim of the degree is to grow a new generation of unique researchers in brain science with extensive knowledge of the principles of physics as well as researchers in physics with multidisciplinary education.

Dr. Alon Korngreen, former Head of the Bachelor of Brain Science programme and one of the programme founders: "A lot of material in brain research is based on the principles of physics, so anyone who understands physics fits well in neuroscience. On the other hand, we have seen in recent years that physics goes in many directions and has many backgrounds in psychology, neuroscience and even biology.

Brain Science is a field that has developed its unique methods and approaches, but its roots are rooted in other-related fields. For example, the physiology and biochemistry of the brain are similar to those of other organs, thus establishing the links between neuroscience and other life sciences. "

The degree lasts for 3 years and is 84 hours. During the degree, students take advanced neuroscience courses: Cellular Neurophysiology, Systems Neurophysiology, Introduction to Linguistics, Research Methods, Experimental Laboratory Science, Laboratory Methods in Life Sciences, Cognitive Psychology, General Genetics, Systems Physiology and Mathematics. In Physics, students will learn modern ideas in electrical and magnetic mechanics, quantum mechanics, optics courses, lasers, electronics, algorithms and applied physics.

The teaching staff of the track comes from both departments and includes a host of senior lecturers.

Graduates will be able to integrate into management, research and development positions in a variety of fields, such as: biophysical industries, defense industries as well as research institutes and universities in Israel and around the world.

The updated timetable for 2019-2020 - Click here (Hebrew)