Prof. Jonathan Ruhman
Quantum Condesed Matter, Strongly Correlated Systems, Unconventional & Topological Superconductivty in Topological Materials, Ferroelectricity, Quantum Information, Entanglement Dynamics and Non-Euqalibrium and Open Quantum Systems.
BSc, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2005-2008
PhD, Wezimann Instittue, Rehoveot, Israel, 2008-2015
postdoc - condensed matter theory, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2015-2018
Senior Lecturer, Physics Department, Bar Ilan University, Israel 2018-2022
Associate Professor, Physics Department, Bar Ilan University, Israel 2022-present
Link to google scholar
Link to arxiv
- Superconductivity at very low density: the case of strontium titanate, JR and P. A. Lee, PRB, 94, 224515 (2016)
- Odd-Parity Superconductivity near an Inversion Breaking Quantum Critical Point in One Dimension, JR, V. Kozii and L. Fu, PRL, 118 (22), 227001, (2017)
- Pairing from dynamically screened Coulomb repulsion in bismuth, JR and P. A. Lee, PRB, 96, 235107 (2017)
- Superconductivity in three-dimensional spin-orbit coupled semimetals, L. Savary, JR, J. W. F. Venderbos, L. Fu and P. A. Lee, PRB 96, 214514 (2017) Editors suggestion
- Pairing states of spin 3/2 fermions: Symmetry-enforced topological gap functions, J. W. F. Venderbos, L. Savary, JR, P. A. Lee and L. Fu, arxiv 1709.04487
- Enhanced superconductivity and suppression of charge-density wave order in 2H-TaS2 in the 2d limit, Y. Yang, S. Fang, V. Fatemi, JR, E. Navarro-Moratalla, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, E. Kaxiras and P. Jarillo-Herrero, PRB 98, 035203 (2018)
- Synthesizing Coulombic superconductivity in van der Waals bilayers, PRB 98, 094517 (2018)
- Superconductivity near a ferroelectric quantum critical point in ultra low-density Dirac materials, V. Kozii, Z. Bi & JR, arxiv 1901.11064
- Comment on "Superconductivity at low density near a ferroelectric quantum critical point: Doped SrTiO3", JR & P. A. Lee, arxiv 1901.11065
Dynamics of Quantum Information
- Quantum Entanglement Growth Under Random Unitary Evolution, A. Nahum, JR, S. Vijay and J. Haah, PRX, 7 (3), 031016, (2017)
- Dynamics of Entanglement and Transport in 1D Systems with Quenched Randomness, A. Nahum, JR, D. A. Huse, PRB 98, 035118 (2018)
- Measurement-induced phase transitions in the dynamics of entanglement, B. Skinner, JR, A. Nahum, PRX, 9, 031009 (2019)
Strongly coupled critical points, low-dimensional physics and novel phases
- Nonlocal Order in Elongated Dipolar Gases, JR, E. G. Dalla Torre, S. D. Huber and E. Altman, PRB, 85 (12), 125121, (2012)
- Ferromagnetic and Nematic Non-Fermi Liquids in Spin-Orbit Coupled Two-Dimensional Fermi Gases, JR and E. Berg, PRB, 90, 235119, (2014)
- Topological States in a One-Dimensional Fermi Gas with Attractive Interactions, JR, E. Berg and E. Altman, PRL, 114, 100401 (2014)
- Fate of the one-dimensional Ising Quantum Critical Point Coupled to a Gapless Boson, O. Alberton, JR, E. Berg and E. Altman, PRB, 95 (7), 075132, (2017)
- Topological Degeneracy and Pairing in a One-Dimensional Gas of Spinless Fermions, JR, E. Altman PRB 96, 085133 (2017)
- Ferromagnetic transition in a one-dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupled Metal and its Mapping to a Critical Point in Smectic Liquid Crystals, V. Kozii, JR, L. Fu and L. Radzihovsky, PRB, 96, 094419 (2017)
Complex Oxide Interfaces
- A Universal Critical Density Underlying the Physics of Electrons at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface, A. Joshua, S. Pecker, JR, E. Altman and S. Ilani, Nat. Comm. 3, 1129, (2012)
- Gate Tunable Polarized Phase of Two-Dimensional Electrons at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface, A. Joshua, JR, S. Pecker, E. Altman and S. Ilani, PNAS 110 (24), 9633, (2013)
- Competition Between Kondo Screening and Magnetism at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface, JR, A. Joshua, S. Ilani and E. Altman, PRB, 90, 125123, (2014)
Last Updated Date : 06/01/2025