Solving the two body problem in Einstein's gravity

Barak Kol, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University
09/11/2015 - 12:30Add to Calendar 2015-11-09 12:30:00 2015-11-09 12:30:00 Solving the two body problem in Einstein's gravity The two body problem in Einstein's gravity has both intrinsic theoretical interest, as well as importance for the ongoing observational search for gravitational waves. This talk will explain how field theory ideas and techniques were used to perturbatively solve the two-body problem in the slow velocity post-Newtonian limit. Central notions include the two-body effective action, field elimination through Feynman diagrams, a non-relativistic decomposition of Einstein's field, and finally divergences, their regularization and renormalization. This approach is known as the Effective Field Theory approach to General Relativity. בנין פיסיקה 202 חדר 301 Department of Physics Asia/Jerusalem public
בנין פיסיקה 202 חדר 301

The two body problem in Einstein's gravity has both intrinsic theoretical interest, as well as importance for the ongoing observational search for gravitational waves. This talk will explain how field theory ideas and techniques were used to perturbatively solve the two-body problem in the slow velocity post-Newtonian limit. Central notions include the two-body effective action, field elimination through Feynman diagrams, a non-relativistic decomposition of Einstein's field, and finally divergences, their regularization and renormalization. This approach is known as the Effective Field Theory approach to General Relativity.

Last Updated Date : 01/10/2015