Emission control of a random laser : Turning a random laser into a tunable singlemode laser by active pump shaping

Dr. Patrick Sebbah, Institut Langevin in Paris, France,
24/04/2013 - 16:00 - 15:00Add to Calendar 2013-04-24 15:00:00 2013-04-24 16:00:00 Emission control of a random laser : Turning a random laser into a tunable singlemode laser by active pump shaping  I will introduce the concept of random laser. As an illustration, I will present an innovative mirrorless optofluidic random laser where the optical cavity has been replaced by a random scattering structure. This device serve to show that control can be regained on the random lasing emission. We achieve emission control at any desired wavelength by iteratively shaping the optical pump profile. Nano center, 9th floor seminar room Department of Physics physics.dept@mail.biu.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
Nano center, 9th floor seminar room

 I will introduce the concept of random laser. As an illustration, I will present an innovative mirrorless optofluidic random laser where the optical cavity has been replaced by a random scattering structure. This device serve to show that control can be regained on the random lasing emission. We achieve emission control at any desired wavelength by iteratively shaping the optical pump profile.

Last Updated Date : 24/04/2013